Glassdoor Offices – Chicago

Valerio Dewalt Train Associates designed the new offices for job site company Glassdoor located in Chicago, Illinois.

As rising startups continue to depend on innovation to expand and find their place in the market, creating a workplace that supports their ambitions has become the design challenge of today. Glassdoor’s Chicago office takes on this challenge by balancing two aspirations, first, the office nurtures the needs of the local team and second, it simultaneously adheres to their evolving corporate identity.

Realizing these two goals meant providing an environment reflective of their millennial workforce, committed to the raw and exciting urbanism of the Chicago’s Fulton Market District. At the same time it is meant to embrace their hard-earned maturity and sophistication as a company dedicated to improving the workplace through their website, a human resources platform, for staff and employers alike. These programmatic demands shaped the design of a single floor of a renovated building in Fulton Market.