
The Screen-Centric Future Workplace

The Screen-Centric Future Workplace

Workplace design has always strived to be human-centered. However, as technology and computing are becoming a central part of workplaces, getting deeper information about how technologies are getting integrated into work may help shed new light on how people really work. 

Watch: New Research: The Tech Workplace Takes Center Stage

Watch: New Research: The Tech Workplace Takes Center Stage

HOK’s Workplace group has just released their annual report which explores a crucial issue in workplace and interior design. “HOK Forward: Tech Workplace Takes Center Stage” investigates the distinct threats and challenges facing the tech sector and how these same challenges are affecting all companies, regardless of the industry in which they operate.

Majority of office workers discontented with workplace environment

Majority of office workers discontented with workplace environment

With three-quarters (76 percent) of office workers agreeing that a well-functioning and attractive office workplace would encourage better staff retention, the study demonstrates a link between the office workspace, the people in it, and their inclination to stay put.