Workplace Look Book

How Elkus Manfredi Architects Is Uniting Five Different Companies in One Office

How Elkus Manfredi Architects Is Uniting Five Different Companies in One Office

The client and Elkus Manfredi organized ten “tasks forces” (each comprised of a mix of employees from the different brands, plus technical consultants and one Elkus Manfredi architect) that would tackle different aspects of the new office.

IN THE LOOP: Jony Ive on Apple’s new HQ and the disappearing iPhone

IN THE LOOP:  Jony Ive on Apple’s new HQ and the disappearing iPhone

The building is not a metaphor for open systems, or creative flow made concrete. It is a made object. Apple’s success has been built on higher-order industrialisation; not just designing beautiful objects that do all manner of new things but producing them in incredible numbers and at consistent quality. Its new building is, in some ways, the ultimate Apple product, in places using the same materials the company uses in its laptops and phones.