Home Office

Want to Work From Home? Apply to These Companies

Want to Work From Home? Apply to These Companies

Ever dream of staying in your PJs on a rainy Monday or skipping rush hour to get a head start on dinner? Working under the restrictions of a corporate company can make these kinds of conveniences pretty difficult. Fortunately, for some, working remotely is becoming increasingly more common. Money recently released a new annual survey from the remote jobs website FlexJobs.com, which provides the names of the best companies to apply to if you're looking to telecommute (i.e. work from home).

Read the article on mydomaine.com >

How The Growth Of Mixed Reality Will Change Communication, Collaboration And The Future Of The Workplace

How The Growth Of Mixed Reality Will Change Communication, Collaboration And The Future Of The Workplace

Mixed reality has the potential to allow a global workforce of remote teams to work together and tackle an organization's business challenges. No matter where they are physically located, an employee can strap on their headset and noise-canceling headphones and enter a collaborative, immersive virtual environment. 

Read the article on techcrunch.com >

What the Future of Working at Home May Look Like

What the Future of Working at Home May Look Like

More than half the businesses registered in the U.S. are now home-based. But few homes are designed and built to accommodate them. Most contemporary housing is designed solely as living space, without the demands of work in mind. People who work out of their homes are left trying to resolve conflicting needs in a single space: a business that’s open to clients on the same site as a private living area; a noisy workspace in proximity to places where the family needs to study, relax and have down time; potentially dangerous work processes in a place that needs to be safe.

Read the article on wsj.com [paywall] >

9 Ways to Create a Productive Home Office (Infographic)

9 Ways to Create a Productive Home Office (Infographic)

Working from home is great...when you actually work. Often it’s tempting not to, like when Mount Laundry threatens to swallow your couch whole or this or that delicious distraction calls to you from the fridge. And that poor pup, pouting in the corner. Doesn’t he need to be walked? And, hey, who’s on Ellen today?

Read the article on entrepreneur.com

Bold Playwood Connector For Furniture Creating

Bold Playwood Connector For Furniture Creating

Created by a team of designers in Italy, PlayWood is a simple connector that allows you to create your own modular furniture. You can use PlayWood to set up your coworking space, your temporary shop, your art show and much more… the only limit is your fantasy! Like a Lego for wood, you can build, destroy and rebuild again everything you need for your office, your garden or your house. PlayWood is an alternative to drilling and screwing projects: it helps you saving time and energy. You can just focus on the design, easily disassemble your creations for storage or moving needs, recycle old projects into new ones.

Read the article on digsdigs.com