Partnering with the right table can make all the difference. Experience JotForm Tables

Since JotForm is all about finding ways to boost productivity no matter where you work, JotForm tables align perfectly with our company’s mission. We believe the right work table can make all the difference. Ready to meet your each and every need, The Table by JotForm is designed with powerful features you won’t find anywhere else. Features include: 📱 Bluetooth compatibility with your smartphone, tablet, computer, and other devices 💧 Waterproof finish to take on the unexpected 🏃 Mobile capabilities for maximum productivity anywhere 📐 Industry-leading 38.5 inches of leg clearance 🌡 Temperature-controlled surface 🔩 Screws made of indestructible reinforced titanium 💪 A solid foundation for your workspace The Table is only the first in an upcoming line of cutting-edge JotForm products designed to supercharge your productivity — and we can’t wait to show you what else we have in store.