When We Go Back To The Office, Keep Working Like We’re Home (Let Us Explain)

“The entire company will start working remotely effective tomorrow.”

“Take your technology, belongings and favorite coffee mug home – you may be working there for a bit.”

“Let’s talk about all this via Zoom.” 

We all received some form of guidance from our respective company leadership a month back. And, incredibly, the workforce pivoted dramatically just as quickly as we were asked to do so. Sure, there have been singular technology snafus, kids interrupting video calls, more dogs barking. Still, we are being efficient, moving projects forward, and being reminded just how much these interruptions (children, pets, etc.) can be pleasant and make us smile.

The dramatic transition has no doubt been eye-opening for companies. Even those already encouraging work from home weren’t planning this scale of remote operations. Organizations are learning a great deal about how they can nourish company culture, what they need in their tech ecosystems, flexible scheduling policies, how we measure productivity and more.

At some point, restrictions will be lifted and companies will begin to welcome staff back to the workplace. When we do so, let’s be sure to apply some of what we’ve learned, and keep some of those things that make us smile a part of our daily routines. 

Here are four ways companies can make that happen: 

Amplify Empathy

Most organizations recognize the extreme pressures workers are under right now. There’s isolation, fear, and increased mental health concerns nationwide. Working parents are juggling conference calls, lunchtime, and teaching in unprecedented fashion. Others are worried about elderly parents and how to safely buy groceries. Everyone is dealing with new personal challenges. 

While these challenges may not be as readily visible when our work lives are normalized, they’re always there in some shape, form or measure. In fact, these pressures will likely increase when we head back to work as we’ll all be naturally apprehensive about social distancing and our personal health. 

The key moving forward is to maintain the increased empathy companies are exhibiting right now for their people and communities. This can mean: 

  • Communicate Like Your Company Depends On It: As we’ve lost our water coolers over the past month, regular communication has become even more crucial. At CannonDesign, our leaders have sent daily updates rooted in compassion, information sharing, transparency and clarity around what the future holds. No doubt, other organizations are taking similar approaches. This level of communication should be maintained. People feel valued and find comfort in hearing from leaders about what’s happening on a regular basis. Through e-mail updates, webinars, virtual social hours and recognition programs – communicating  frequently and transparently is always a good strategy.

  • Increase Access to Wellness Resources: Recognizing that our collective physical and mental wellbeing is being tested during the current crisis, companies have worked to increase wellness offerings. They’re highlighting existing benefits some may have overlooked, investing in new programs, and communicating consistently about them.Helping staff to live a healthy lifestyle is always a wise investment. This elevated investment in wellness resources can help as we transition back to our regular routines and beyond.

  • Flexibility is Life: We are all human beings trying to do inspired work, be there for loved ones, get outside and live healthy…. video conferences just made that more visible.Once we’re back in our offices, let’s not lose sight of our humanity. The flexibility organizations are providing their people to manage life right now should embed itself in our next normal. Showing empathy, and allowing people to work unique hours, dial in remotely, and go for an occasional walk outside might just unleash their full potential.