Video: Stylex shows how to make a Mask

While much of the world is staying home, commercial furniture manufacturer Stylex is (safely!) getting to work: the New Jersey-based company is producing washable, protective masks for COVID-19 healthcare workers.

A handful of the company's skilled seamstresses and craftspeople are making the masks, which will be donated to local hospitals as long as there is a need. As of March 31, 2020, New Jersey accounts for the second highest number of COVID cases in the United States. Stylex co-CEO Bruce Golden has been leading the charge, setting up deliveries and personally bringing masks to hospitals and other healthcare facilities.

"The unifying power of design has never been more important," says Golden. "We are honored to serve our community in this time of crisis, and put our amazing artisans to work on this task is a labor of love and solidarity."

If you would like to connect with Stylex on this initiative, or know of any facilities in the tri-state area in need of supplies, please let us know so we can connect you. Thank you for helping us spread the word on this amazing initiative!