How come nobody in the contract industry thought of this?

Being at home and checking your email, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook every five minutes is tiring. Every now and then however something pops up that makes you go “just when I thought I’ve seen everything,” you know the rest.

So it was today when an ad popped up for Web Around ( As you might imagine, or not, it’s a background that attaches to your desk chair. As a bonus, it fits into a travel bag as well. Useful on the road when there’s something going on in your hotel room you don’t want to share with anyone.

With this device, you no longer have to clean up your home office, put anything away, or even remove the 10 half-full mugs you have sitting on the table next to you.

And, while it won’t have much (or any) effect on the battle against COVID-19, it will prevent coworkers on your zoom meetings from thinking you’re a slob. Of course, you could just use a zoom background.

Meanwhile, Web Around blocks out what you don’t want anyone to see (no it does not help with your pajama selection). But it is a simple solution to a natural problem. If nothing else, it prevents your kids from throwing legos at you from behind.