The Impact Of Office Design On Business Performance

Many companies fall into the trap of looking at office facilities as a pure balance-sheet expense. However, the forward-thinking ones consider their offices to be a key component of their corporate strategy. Office designs have been widely known to positively impact productivity, enhance employee well-being, and reduce staff turnover numbers.

The design of an office should inspire and capture imaginations, of those working within it and visiting clients and customers.

With Generation Z now entering the workforce, who are influenced by their devices and social media platforms, the likelihood is photos of the office space will regularly turn up in front of audiences sometimes unbeknown to the CEO of the business.

There are often two key components that affect office workers’ productivity: the quality of environment (ventilation, heating, natural lighting, décor, cleanliness) and the office layout (Informal/formal meeting areas, quiet areas, privacy, storage, desk, circulation space)

Productivity and retaining staff

Clearly, no office-design can be applied to suit every type of business and work function. Differences have been found in what is optimal for different business functions and indeed the various demographics of the staff found within it.