Clerkenwell Design Week 2017: Are Flexible Workspaces Becoming the Norm?

Clerkenwell Design Week is always one of my favourite design exhibitions of the year. With Clerkenwell home to more creative businesses than anywhere else, it’s the best place to discover what’s shaping innovative design, and I always leave with fresh ideas to bring to Forster Inc.

This year, I was lucky enough to attend a few interesting talks at Clerkenwell Design Week. While they were all great, one that really got me thinking was How We Work Now: Are Flexible Workspaces Becoming the Norm?

At Forster Inc, we talk a lot about workspaces. From takeaway design tips to how to avoid big mistakes in your office, we are always considering how best to design spaces for an ever evolving workplace.

Speakers Nick Hartwright, Luke Pearson and Katrina Larkin all come from unique backgrounds and brought a different perspective to this topic.

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