WORKTECH 17 New York took place on May 4 at Convene’s 117 W. 46th Street location, attracting, as it’s wont to do, some of the biggest and brightest names in the workplace and technology industries to debate and discuss the future of work.

Below, a few ideas we’re still thinking about a week after the event.

We’re currently experiencing the third wave of the internet, and the third wave’s the best wave for the workplace.

The first wave, according to Ryan Anderson, the director of commercialization and business development, connected (IoT) solutions at Herman Miller, connected people to content (think “Ask Jeeves”); the second wave connected people to people (social media). Today — in the third wave — it’s all about connecting people and things to other things (how much do you love your Nest WiFi-enabled thermostat?).

What does this mean for your workplace? Good stuff. Anderson said that now is the time to explore how IoT solutions can positively impact your work environment; to make sure your facilities, real estate, and IT teams are aligned; and to remember that privacy and security are essential design criteria.

Via workdesign.com