Cross-Collaboration: 8 Projects That Exemplify China’s Co-working Revolution

Last year, over 500 co-working sites existed in Shanghai and Beijing alone. As the phenomenon shows no signs of slowing down, developers and investors remain keen to build desirable co-working hubs that offer members flexible space for idea sharing. With more and more independent workers and small businesses craving environments far superior to the historically drab and isolating office, emerging models for co-working space offer alluring alternatives.

In designing such spaces, architects must grapple with a tricky set of prerequisites and deeply consider how productivity, cooperation and happiness are fostered through built form. The following projects offer an exciting glimpse into what may be possible in such a challenging realm. Not only do these spaces allow workers to get vigorously wrapped up in their own tasks, but they also allow them to view, survey and engage with the exhilarating work of others nearby.
