6 Powerful Benefits of Great Office Design

The benefits of well-designed workspaces impact not only existing employees but the talent companies hope to attract, as well. For job seekers navigating a marketplace crowded with options, including the increasing lure of the “gig economy,” people want to know they’re valued, that their wellbeing is considered and that they can be comfortable and productive at work.

Many of these elements are influenced by culture and management, but others are directly affected by the physical space and how people respond to it. For example: Does the culture allow for freedom of movement throughout the day? If so, are there inviting, functional areas between which people are able to move and work? Is there adequate power? When in these spaces, do workers feel comfortable and productive?

Each of these questions can prompt leadership to create inspiring spaces or tweak the spaces they have. But designing a powerful workplace that encourages productivity won’t happen by accident.

Via myturnstone.com