Remote workers are NOT watching daytime TV in their pajamas

Want to make employees work better together? Let them work separately, from home.

It may sound counter-intuitive, but employees are apt to work more efficiently and collaboratively when operating remotely, a new study released Tuesday by video and voice collaboration technology company Polycom, Inc. and Human Resources executive network and research firm Future Workplace found. Modern employees are expressing a growing need for flexible workplaces, the survey of more than 24,000 workers concluded. Some 62% of people are already taking advantage of flexible working practices and 98% say “anywhere working” has a positive impact on productivity.

Remote work offers benefits that are rarely discussed, including better communication, improved work-life balance, and more flexibility with child care, said Jeanne Meister, a partner at Future Workplace. “There is a stigma that remote workers are disconnected from the rest of the team, yet this study proves that they are more sociable and proactively reach out to develop strong relationships,” she said. “The new technology tools that enable communication and collaboration are actually motivating workers to pick up the phone, seek face time and create lasting bonds.”
