Every workplace can benefit from sustainable commuting habits

You’d be hard-pressed to find someone whose commute to the office couldn’t be improved.

The time and stress associated with a long commute are huge factors in the choices people make about their jobs — some studies even suggest it is better to take a job with a shorter commute over one with a higher salary.

Clearly, the advantages for both employees and employers over lessening this burden are numerous: happier employees, greater retention, higher productivity, lower costs. But there is another inescapable factor: the survival of our planet. This may sound dramatic, but nearly 1,000 American companies have signed a pledge reaffirming their commitment to reducing their carbon impact and imploring others to do the same.

A great place to start is by encouraging sustainable commuting habits among employees. Transportation is nearly the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the majority of this comes from single-occupancy vehicles.

Via jllrealviews.com