Gen-Zers Will Soon Be Your New Hires; Here’s What They Want in a Workplace

Coming (very) soon to a Workplace near you – Generation Z.

To all developers, brokers, business owners, employers and office landlords: Take notice. 

Much like the hype around Millennials, the entrance of Gen Z into the workforce promises to once again push boundaries, reshape office design, work style and how companies and buildings themselves seek to remain relevant and competitive in their respective industries and markets.

Although the oldest members of this post-Millennial generation are nearing 20 years old (Gen Zers are loosely defined as those born after 1998), have no fear, because there is still plenty of time left to plan for the first wave of Gen Z talent. 

The current challenge employers and property owners face is the need to create a corporate work environment that goes beyond simply having fun amenities like food and fitness, which has been the trend of the last five years.

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